Media Releases

Government forced to address overcrowding in women's prison

The WA Prison Officers’ Union said it remained unconvinced that converting part of a male prison to house female prisoners was the best option to alleviate overcrowding.The State Government has announced it will convert two units at Hakea prison into a ...

Prison numbers skyrocket under Barnett Government

A recent report reveals the prison population in Western Australia has increased by almost a third since the Barnett Government was elected.The snapshot of the state’s prison system by the Economic Regulation Authority shows that since 2007/08, prisoner ...

Union raises questions about government's agenda behind review

The WA Prison Officers’ Union has raised questions about whether the State Government is planning to use an Economic Regulation Authority review into the prison system as a justification to pursue its privatisation agenda.The WA Treasurer has asked the ...

Committee raises concerns about Prison Officers' Discipline Bill

The WA Prison Officers’ Union has called on the State Government to clarify a number of issues raised by a Standing Committee report into the Prison Officers’ Discipline Bill.The Standing Committee on Legislation’s report has raised several concerns ...

Unions reach breakthrough EBA with Serco at Acacia Prison

The WA Prison Officers’ Union said it was pleased staff at the privately run Acacia prison had voted overwhelmingly to accept an EBA offer from their employer, Serco.WAPOU Secretary John Welch said he was delighted that 83% of staff at the prison voted ...

Staff shortage forces Hakea Prison into lockdown again

Hakea prison has been in lock down since Thursday morning due to dangerously low staffing levels.The prison was around 27 Prison Officers short on Thursday and 17 short on Friday, even after all available staff were called in to work.WA Prison Officers’ ...

Workers frustrated as Serco drags its heels in EBA negotiations

The WA Prison Officers’ Union said staff at Acacia prison were becoming increasingly frustrated with their employer Serco for failing to reach a new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement.Staff at Acacia overwhelmingly rejected Serco’s EBA offer, which was p ...

Safety concerns amid chronic staff shortages in prisons

The WA Prison Officers’ Union has raised serious safety concerns, amid chronic staff shortages in several of the state’s prisons.Casuarina maximum security prison has been on rolling lockdowns in the past week because there was not enough staff to ope ...

New report into Acacia Prison vindicates Union EBA stance

A new report into the Serco-run Acacia prison has found significant issues with staffing levels, which is also one of the main issues of contention in current Enterprise Bargaining Agreement negotiations.A report by the Inspector of Custodial Services has ...

Prisoners locked down as prisons run short of staff

The WA Prison Officers’ Union said it was shocking that prisoners at the state’s two largest prisons were on lockdown because there were not enough staff to operate them.WAPOU Secretary John Welch said Casuarina was 34 prison officers short and Hakea ...

Prison units still closed as prisoner numbers soar

New figures have revealed WA’s prisons are bursting at the seams, and are currently holding almost 30% more prisoners than they’re designed for.The figures revealed Albany regional prison was currently the most overcrowded prison in the state, housing ...

Plans to open prison units without staff to run them

The WA Prison Officers’ Union said the State Government’s decision to open new prison units at Hakea and Casuarina vindicated its position that WA’s prisons were chronically overcrowded.One unit was opened at Casuarina on Tuesday and the Department ...

Concern about State Government’s continued privatisation agenda

The WA Prison Officers’ Union is very concerned about comments made by the Corrective Services Minister that the prison security contract could be taken from Serco and awarded to another company.The State Government is currently reviewing the Corrective ...

Overcrowding forces prisoners to sleep on the floor

The WA Prison Officers’ Union has raised concerns about prisoners at Bandyup women’s prison being forced to sleep on the floor because the facility is so overcrowded.The Union said that prisoners often had to sleep on the floor of cells which were alr ...

State budget does nothing to alleviate prison overcrowding

The WA Prison Officers’ Union has raised concerns that the State Budget does nothing to alleviate the chronic overcrowding in the State’s prison system.WAPOU Secretary John Welch said the State Government had no provision in its budget to open enough ...