Dangerous WA prison environments need more resources
Wednesday 27 Jun 2018
The WA Prison Officers’ Union supports recommendations for more appropriate training for prison officers following the Corruption and Crime Commission Reports into inadequate use of force reporting.
Prison officers work in extremely hostile and dangerous environments for up to 12 hours a day and are often forced to make split second decisions under severe circumstances with limited training.
WAPOU understands the CCTV released by the CCC is disturbing to watch.
WAPOU Secretary Andy Smith said “the state’s prisons are bursting at the seams with overcrowding at an all-time high.”
“A high prison population and a serious shortage of staff creates dangerous high pressure environments to work in.
“Prison officers working in maximum security environments and specialised units where violent prisoners are held receive no additional training in how to manage or deescalate violent situations or how to adequately report on them.
“We therefore support recommendations which direct the Department of Justice to better prepare prison officers who work in these volatile situations.” Mr Smith said.
WAPOU looks forward to working with the State Government to ensure suitable training is put in place for WA prison officers.