Prison Officers injured during assault
Monday 29 Jan 2018
The WA Prison Officers’ Union is offering support to three Prison Officers who were assaulted at Hakea Prison on Wednesday.
It’s understood three of the officers were in the process of managing a prisoner, when a struggle occurred resulting in the officers becoming subjects of aggressive assaults.
These incidents come on top of other brutal assaults on Prison Officers earlier in the month. Including an officer stabbed in the face at Hakea Prison with a pen, and a series of assaults at the Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison. The officer assaulted at Hakea, is still off weeks later facing the prospect of reconstructive surgery.
WAPOU Secretary John Welch, has offered his support to the officers involved and their families, and has wished them a speedy recovery.
“These shocking attacks highlight the dangerous environment in which prison officers work,” Mr Welch said.
“I’d like to commend the officers involved, for bringing the situation under control so quickly.
“During summer, WA’s overcrowded prisons are becoming more volatile, dangerous places, increasing the likelihood of further serious incident.
“It can be a dangerous job and the State Government should do everything it can to make officers feel safe, in the prison environment.
“It’s critical to Prison Officers and prisoner’s safety, that the appropriate number of staff are rostered on a shift, and that they have the capacity to properly manage situations like this.
“We’re concerned that any reduction to staffing, will make the workplace more dangerous for Prison Officers and seriously reduce their capacity to manage the prison population.
“We urge the State Government, as a matter of urgency, to commence its program to increase capacity in the State’s prison system to deal with the serious overcrowding issue, and for the Department to ensure the appropriate staffing levels, to safely manage the prison population,” he said.