Friday 05 Jul 2024

The WA Prison Officer’s Union (WAPOU) is calling for offenders who assault prison officers to face tougher penalties, in line with new laws to protect retail workers, which came into effect this week.

WA’s new “assault retail worker” offence means violent offenders now face up to seven years in prison for attacking retail staff while they’re on the job, or up to 10 years if a weapon is involved.

WAPOU State Secretary Andy Smith said this was fantastic news for retail workers, however, more needed to be done to protect prison officers on the job.

“Absolutely everyone deserves to feel safe at work and to come home unscathed at the end of their shift,” he said.

“The new laws to protect retail workers are good news for those who work in the retail sector, and it shows that the Government does have the power to hold offenders to account by increasing the penalties they face for assaulting staff on the job.

“WAPOU believes the same energy should be put into protecting prison officers, who work amongst the most dangerous people in our society in order to keep our community safe, and who are at regular risk of serious assault.”

Offenders who assault prison officers face a minimum six-month sentence, however, Mr. Smith said this was rarely applied as offenders frequently did not face prosecution.

Further, disciplinary action within prisons is often not able to be carried out due to overcrowding.

“There are currently over 800 outstanding disciplinary charges for prisoners at Casuarina alone, which include assaults on prison officers” he said.

“A purpose-built unit at Casuarina could be used to manage these assaults, but it is instead being used as a privilege unit.

“Additionally, ‘assault on officers’ charges are meant to be passed onto police in instances where prisoners are released prior to those charges being heard, but this isn’t currently happening, meaning that assaults on prison officers are regularly going unpunished.

“In no other workplace is it ok for staff to be assaulted, for no charges to be laid and for no one to be held accountable.

“We urge the State Government to dedicate the same energy they have shown in rightfully protecting retail workers, to equally protect prison officers from assault at work.”

MEDIA CONTACT: Amy Blom amy@regenstrategic.com.au 0431 685 372