WAPOU calls on government to implement CCC recommendations
Wednesday 27 Jun 2018
The WA Prison Officers’ Union (WAPOU) is calling on the State Government to act immediately on recommendations made in the Corruption and Crime Commission Report on corrupt custodial officers and the risks of contraband entering prisons.
WAPOU Secretary Andy Smith said “the Report’s recommendation of a review into security procedures echoes concerns raised by WAPOU that staffing pressures can result in lax security.”
“The union supports the provision of better resources to improve training for officers and to increase security within Western Australian prisons to eliminate drugs entering the system.
“We call on the State Government to act on this review and consider addressing the staffing shortages WA prisons face on a daily basis.
“The prison system is currently stretched to bursting point in all aspects, which places prison officers under extreme pressure, particularly when they are dealing with some of the state’s most dangerous and difficult people for up to 12 hours a day.
“WAPOU supports any investigation into corruption in WA prisons but urges the community to not make assumptions on the integrity of all prison officers based on just three named in the report.
“Acts of misconduct and criminality are unacceptable and are not tolerated by the union or the thousands of prison officers that are employed to keep the community safe.
“The majority of prison officers conduct themselves professionally in all aspects of their job, upholding the expectations of the Department of Justice and the community.
“The small number of officers that have been identified by the CCC have been dealt with in the correct manner and in a way that is supported by WAPOU and our members,” said Mr Smith.
WAPOU looks forward to working with the State Government to see these recommendations implemented as soon as possible.