WAPOU hosting first ever Mental Health Seminar for WA Prison Officers
Tuesday 22 Aug 2017
The WA Prison Officers Union (WAPOU) is hosting Western Australia’s first ever, Mental Health Seminar for Prison Officers at the Burswood Crown today.
WAPOU Secretary John Welch described the inaugural event as a bold initiative that for the first time in our state and indeed nationally, would create a space to look at this area of specific concern for the health of WAPOU members.
“The role of a Prison Officer can often be stressful and hazardous, and the need for staff to be aware of and to maintain their mental health is critical,” he said.
“For those working in the prison system the absence rate is often higher due to staff stress and burn-out connected with the challenging conditions of work, which can have a significant impact upon the individuals, their families and the wider prison system.
“Today’s event aims to raise awareness of the mental health challenges faced by Prison Officers, and to give them the tools to help themselves and their colleagues.”
The seminar will feature keynote speakers from Beyond Blue, the Western Australian Association for Mental Health, Black Dog and the Department of Corrective Services.
Speakers will talk to the mental health challenges faced by many in the workplace, as well as the range of strategies, tools and supports available to assist Prison Officers in managing mental health related issues.
“We believe this is will be a great day and a valuable initiative for our members, and look forward to welcoming over 150 attendees to today’s seminar.”