COVID-19 Advice
Friday 17 Apr 2020
WAPOU has welcomed the release of new advice from Public Sector Labour Relations (PSLR) for vulnerable workers in high-risk settings such as prisons.
The updated advice followed a consultation PSLR and WAPOU, where specific concerns were raised on behalf of members.
Vulnerable workers are workers who fit into any of the below categories as identified by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC):
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 50 years and older with one or more chronic medical conditions.
- People 65 years and older with chronic medical conditions. The most current list can be accessed on the Department of Health website.
- People 70 years and older.
- People with compromised immune systems (see Department of Health website).
Prison Officers and Vocational Support Officers who fit into any of these categories should not be working in prisons unless the risk can be mitigated.
Assessment of workplace risk and risk mitigation should consider broader relevant circumstances, including the degree of community spread of COVID-19.
If a Prison Officer or VSO in this category cannot be moved to a work location that is not high risk, they may access COVID-19 leave before other forms of leave to support absence from work.
This is a great outcome for those WAPOU members who are defined as vulnerable workers.
WAPOU members who fall into one of the above categories will need to self-identify to their local HR and Superintendent. If there are subsequent issues with risk assessments or accessing your entitlements, you should contact your WAPOU Industrial Officer.