COVID-19 Pandemic : Update for Members
Friday 27 Mar 2020
Dear members,
WAPOU are acutely aware that members are experiencing high levels of anxiety, stress and feelings of uncertainty due to the increasingly concerning COVID-19 pandemic.
Your health, safety and wellbeing will always remain our primary concern.
Over the coming weeks WAPOU will be increasing the level of member communication to best keep members informed of the decisions being made and measures taken to ensure your health and safety at work. Members are encouraged to regularly monitor your personal and work email accounts, the Respect the Risk Facebook page and the WAPOU website.
WAPOU and the WA Department of Justice are working closely and collaboratively to ensure effective measures are implemented to ensure your safety and wellbeing, and most importantly those people you return home to at the end of each shift.
Yesterday, Commissioner Tony Hassall, WAPOU President Ken Brown and I met with the Hon. Fran Logan – Minister for Corrective Services to discuss the changing composition of the COVID-19 Taskforce. Ken Brown and I are confident the measures discussed yesterday will result in timely responses and actions to member queries and concerns.
If any WAPOU member has questions or related to your employment or industrial matters, please contact the Industrial Officer assigned to your prison. Contact details for Industrial Officers are in your WAPOU diary.
Further communication will occur on a weekly basis.
In Unity
Andy Smith