New EBA on the table for members to vote on
Friday 05 Aug 2016
You may be aware that last week at our Conference, your delegates endorsed the new draft EBA from the Department of Corrective Services.
This means that WAPOU representatives will soon be coming to each prison to talk to you about the new EBA, explain the details, answer your questions and hear your thoughts. There will then be a chance for all members to vote YES or NO on the EBA.
The purpose of this update is to provide our members with sufficient information to support your decision to accept or reject the pay and conditions offer in the ballot. This is your agreement; it’s for you. That’s why it’s important that you know what’s in the new EBA and that you vote in your own best interest.
A complete copy of the proposed EBA can be found below.
Department of Corrective Services Prison Officers' Industrial Agreement 2016
Schedule A - Annualised Salaries
Schedule B - Motor Vehicle Allowance