New legislation for prison visitors
Tuesday 30 Jun 2020
WAPOU welcomed tough new prison laws, which came into effect with the recent resumption of social visits.
Visitors to WA jails who attempt to bring in contraband such as drugs will now face a $12,000 fine and 18 months' jail.
This is a marked improvement on the laws that had been in place for the past 40 years, which could only fine people a sixth of the new rate and did not allow for jailing as an additional punishment.
In addition, visitors who enter or have left the prison can now also be fined $6,000 if they refuse a search.
Visitors will also face 12 months’ jail and a $6,000 penalty for loitering around a prison or concealing an article for a prisoner.
Corrective Services Minister Fran Logan warned people not to go “from visitor to prisoner” and the union hopes these new laws will act as a deterrent.
See the State Government media statement for more information.