Regional Staffing Update
Thursday 08 Nov 2018
The recent riot at Greenough Regional Prison highlighted the problem with regional staffing that WAPOU members have been aware of for some time. This issue is a particular problem at prisons such as Greenough, Eastern Goldfields, West Kimberley and Broome.
Regional schools are scheduled to commence in January and February of next year. Secondments are still being utilised at Greenough Regional Prison.
On the back of WAPOU’s conversations with the Department around attraction and retention of officers at Greenough and Eastern Goldfields, Commissioner Tony Hassall recently announced the introduction of a 50% GROH subsidy for EGRP.
While this will assist those officers currently in GROH housing in Kalgoorlie, this is only the first step in addressing the staffing crisis there.
To come close to being able to operate at capacity, EGRP need to find at least 50 additional officers. These additional officers are required to fill existing vacancies and to replace those who are soon to be transferring out.
WAPOU is looking forward to seeing what other measures the Department will introduce to attract officers to regional facilities such as EGRP, Greenough and WKRP.