Stand T.A.L.R implementation for Corrective Services NSW
Friday 06 Mar 2020
Secretary Andy Smith and Training & Engagement Manager Bodie Green travelled to Sydney In February to begin implementing the Stand T.A.L.R program for Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW).
The trip commenced with a welcome of Stand T.A.L.R by NSW Commissioner Peter Severin and NSW PSA General Secretary Stuart Little at Long Bay Prison.
Twelve Stand T.A.L.R presentations were delivered in eight jails over three days, with more than 500 NSW staff participating.
Bodie also completed two consecutive days of Train the Trainer at the NSW Brush Farm Training Academy, enabling 20 NSW staff to complete local delivery.
CSNSW will now implement Stand T.A.L.R for staff working within prisons and community correction offices across NSW, with Bodie set to return to NSW in March, May and June this year to complete further implementation.
Stand T.A.L.R Ride – Fremantle Prison donation
WAPOU recently donated a total of $1,783 raised at the Stand T.A.L.R Ride to the Black Dog Institute.