Verbal updates from Branch Representatives to October State Council
Thursday 08 Nov 2018
No delegate present.
No delegate present.
No delegate present.
- Current dispute involving application of Standing Order E6 and reduction in services when VSOs redeployed.
- Some officers are being redeployed up to seven times during a single shift.
- OHS concerns regarding lack of emergency egress, barrier controls and restraint equipment.
- Discussion around Unit 1 becoming a ‘mental health unit’.
- Issues regarding availability of staff meals.
- Discussion around application of Policy Directive 26 in relation to pat searches.
- No current issues.
- Current disputes regarding funeral escorts and peak muster position on nights.
- Dispute regarding 80 hour orientation resolved.
- Staffing issues requiring further recruitment and the actioning of transfers.
- No recreation being run currently due to infrastructure works.
- Ongoing coronial inquiry into death in custody.
- Issues covering vacancies on overtime.
- Unit 5 opening delayed due to high number of vacancies.
- The new build has got off to a slow start.
- A number of minor disputes.
- A dispute has been lodged regarding non-compliance with Standing Order E6.
- Operation Contra has resurfaced under a new name, causing an increase in workload.
- No current disputes.
- LCCs running well.
- Issues covering shifts on overtime leading to daily shortages and a reliance on Standing Order E6.
- Approximately 60 Casuarina Officers are currently on Workers’ Compensation.
- There has been a marked increase in assaults on staff.
- Discussion around the Department’s the possible introduction of ‘General Purpose Dogs’.
- New Zealand has made advancements in the detection of synthetic cannabis.
- Discussion around on-body camera trial.
- Possibility of Officers being issued iPads for use in prisons.
- A push for the DDU to be utilised in the drug and alcohol testing of prisoners.
Eastern Goldfields
- Discussion around recent media coverage in Kalgoorlie around staffing issues and current capacity (front page of the Kalgoorlie Miner, TV and radio).
- An update on the need for an attraction and retention package.
- There have been up to 18 mattresses on the floor in unit 1 in recent weeks.
- A good outcome was reached in a stage 2 dispute regarding staffing in Unit 3.
- Vacant VSO positions are slowly getting filled.
- Three assaults on staff in October.
- Commissioner Hassall met with staff Tuesday 30 October regarding attraction and retention.
- 90 of EGRP’s 137 Officers are currently on transfer lists.
- Local management pushing for an increase in unlock hours as repairs progress.
- Infrastructure slowly coming back online.
- Second group of seconded prison officers now in place.
- Several payroll issues for first group of secondees slowly getting resolved.
- Discussion around the return of female prisoners in the aftermath of the riot.
- Several Officers are yet to return to work following the riot. Some may not return at all.
- Both the Minister and the Commissioner have recently visited Hakea.
- Infrastructure works in Unit 8 have reduced prison capacity.
- Discussion around the current Staffing Level Agreement negotiations.
- The Department are looking to withdraw SOG Officers from the Pod. This will result in massive training requirements for Hakea officers.
- Entire management team are currently acting in their respective roles.
- Issues with Officers being denied representation during investigation interviews.
- Issues with PDAs being out-of-range in some areas of the prison.
- Recent issues regarding an outbreak of ‘swine flu’.
- Ongoing issues with water quality.
- Discussion around Job Share and overtime.
No delegate present.
- No substantive management (all acting).
- 3 VSOs short and one officer short.
- Potential muster increase of 15.
- Security Manager recently walked off-site following a series of concerns raised by WAPOU members.
- Emerging OHS issue regarding building works in the kitchen and discovery of asbestos.
- Currently short-staffed and an advertisement has been published for external recruitment.
- Operation Intercept is causing a reduction in response capabilities during nightshifts.
- Ongoing issues with SOG management regarding changing the hours of duty for officers.
- Ongoing issues regarding requirement to perform handover in own time.
No delegate present.
West Kimberley
No delegate present.
- Several disputes resolved while substantive Superintendent was on annual leave.
- Potential muster increase of 48.
- Issues with new prisoner accommodation discussed.
Work Camps
No delegate present.