Verbal updates from Branch Representatives to September State Council 2019
Acacia Prison
- Experiencing similar problems to the rest of the state but dealing with them under the corporate system is very different
- Director replaced – Brenton Williams
- EBA still being negotiated – Offered 1.5%
- Trying to get a stance on personal leave – only getting 84 hours and not 10 shifts (120 hours)
- Willing to discuss staffing levels at JCC which until now has been ‘commercial in confidence’
- Recently delegates had 3-Day Delegate training at the WAPOU office with Sophie – Fantastic
- With the 500 bed extension only 30 new jobs – Unemployed Crims is becoming a problem
- Had a few recent wins including O.C. Spray in the units and load bearing vests for Security Staff
- No Delegate Present
Albany Regional Prison
- The prison is currently full with no spare beds available
- Staffing is currently okay
- VSO on a disciplinary charge for not submitting to a search on the gate
- Deputy Commissioner visited prison
- Possible closure of Unit 1 being discussed when Casuarina units come on line
Bandyup Women’s Prison
- 4 Current Disputes
VSO’s not being inducted
Civilians redeployed into Prison Officer Duties
Bullying (Corporate)
OSH Co-Ordinator – No Confidence
- Missing Knife still not found
- Prevalence Testing was forgotten
- 9 Officers sent to hospital following fire in cell
Boronia Reintegration Prison
- New Superintendent – Kim McKay
- 2 New Officers
- 1 New Senior Officer
- 1 Senior Officer to be advertised
- 1 Current Dispute
- 1 Dispute settled
Broome Regional Prison
- Razor ribbon has been introduced to the prison with no extraction training
- No roof ascending policies in place
- Administration have been distributing emails regarding grievances globally with names included
- The new Training Officer has been delivering restraints training in full view of crims
- On-Line training is becoming a major issue as no time is being given for completion
Bunbury Regional Prison
- New Unit for 160 prisoners nearing completion
- Final fitout due October 7th
- Currently filling all overtime
- Currently working through disputes including E6
- Cuffs and Sprays issue partially resolved
Casuarina Prison
- The last Branch Meeting went really well
- New Delegate has been elected – Prateek Kumar
- Principal Officers were stopped / held up on doing overtime
- Attempts were made to stop an officer with 10 years’ experience from working in Unit 1
- Reports being heard that Cyrenian House will run the new Unit when complete
Drug Detection Unit
- Department are looking at the Dog handlers allowance and Schedule C allowances
- Thanks from unit to Industrial Office Hsien Harper for tremendous work
- 6 new dogs have arrived – still 4 vacancies with 3 handlers on workers compensation leave
Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison
- At last State Council one officer was informed that his transfer was being delayed
- EGRP Members are unhappy with the lack of recruits
- Long term resident officers are now leaving the prison
- Master control rooms are being refitted with touch control screens
- Driverless vehicle is being discussed to test perimeter
- New Drug Detection Dog has commenced with excellent results
Greenough Regional Prison
- Units 2 and 3 still unoccupied
- Fence complete between units 2 and 3
- Units 2 and 3 need to be complete before unit 4 can be occupied
- Currently replacing doors and windows plus security screens
- Disappointing that work is still underway 15 months after the riot
- New plans for unit 4 are to be presented to staff at Greenough
- Recent fire in unit 1 – Medical Centre attended to 2 Officers prior to calling ambulance
Hakea Prison
- Currently the branch is showing a good united front
- Issue around the second meal breaks has been escalated to stage 2
- The Superintendent is still failing to follow the E6 Agreement
- Superintendent is bringing staff in on special projects and not allowing redeployment when short staffed
- Minimum night shift staffing is not being met on a regular basis
Karnet Prison Farm
- Delegate Tony Ford is currently on Workers Compensation Leave
- Superintendent Ray Edge has returned and replaced chairs in units
- New PDA System is imminent
- Currently 2 disputes in place regarding the E6 Agreement
Melaleuca Remand and Reintegration Prison
- No Delegate Present
Pardelup Prison Farm
- 1 Vacant Senior Officer – Reception
- No Current disputes
- Security Manager has stated that Pardelup is non-compliant with searches
- VSO’s are required to work weekends – No pay grade to cover this
- Deputy Commissioner visited the prison – mentioned a desire to streamline the transfer procedure
- Overtime caps mentioned
Roebourne Prison Farm
- No Delegate Present
Special Operations Group
- A few current disputes regarding change of hours
- New badge issue has been resolved
West Kimberley Regional Prison
- No Delegate Present
Wandoo Rehabilitation Prison
- No Delegate Present
Wooroloo Prison Farm
- Release for WAPOU Delegates to attend Council was refused as there was a controlled burn and officers were sent to attend (even when running 6 short)
Work Camps
- No Delegate Present