Wandoo Rehabilitation Prison success

Friday 31 Jul 2020

WAPOU welcomes the news that the Inspector of Custodial Services has found that Wandoo Rehabilitation Prison is showing great promise and achievement.

Australia’s first Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Prison for women celebrated two years of operation this month.

In that time, it has achieved a rate of return to prison of less than one per cent, well short of the national average of 46 per cent.

More than 100 women have graduated from the six-month intensive therapeutic program and only one has returned to jail.

The efforts of our members play a huge role in the success of this prison and deserve recognition for their dedication and professionalism.

We also welcome the long-overdue improvements to officer amenities.

Read the full report here: https://www.oics.wa.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/7799-OICS-Wandoo-report.pdf