Member News

The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation

How have the privatisation of services affected you, your family, and your community? As part of the CPSU, WAPOU is proud to support The People’s Inquiry into Privatisation. Watch the Facebook video for the Inquiry here. We will be making submi ...

New EBA on the table for members to vote on

You may be aware that last week at our Conference, your delegates endorsed the new draft EBA from the Department of Corrective Services. This means that WAPOU representatives will soon be coming to each prison to talk to you about the new EBA, explain the ...

New website launched

The WA Prison Officers' Union is very pleased to launch our new website, which will help us boost communications with members. Our new website brings together all the information that used to be on the WAPOU website, with our important Respect the Risk ca ...